The recent environmental events are shocking confirmations of the dramatic trend of this last century. As nature is in constant threat, many people are wondering what they can do to prevent the terrible loss of living beings and habitats, of this marvelous diversity that we all wish to save and preserve. For this reason, at Haganenote Handpans we have decided make a little step forward in our contribution to this environmental fight.

For this 2020 we are beginning with a new initiative, the start of a new, little but important tradition: we have chosen to be part of the network Tree-nation is a Barcelona-based company and social network, launched back in 2006 to fight climate change, desertification and poverty that has worked and planted trees in different countries worldwide, following several environmental projects.

Our participation to this initiative includes both the environmental assessment and gradual CO2 offset of our activity, and the decision to allocate part of the profits coming from handpanmaking and selling to planting new trees, thanks to the support and to the projects of Tree-nation. Each time a customer buys a Haganenote handpan, part of the money they pay will be destined to one of the tree-planting projects of Tree-nation. As a Customer, you will have the opportunity to check and follow the planting activity, both on our web and on our socials, or becoming yourself a member of the community and following its developments.

Our golden ticket for the days to come will be planting a tree. We believe that alone and individually we cannot improve the world as if we had a magic wand, but everyone can start working on themselves to help this wonderful world of us, and every tree we plant will one day make a bigger forest where life will thrive again. We sincerely wish to make our part in this, and to spread the word about such important activities and organizations.

Thank you

Elisa and Marco

HaganeNote Handpan's commitment for the Planet

Discover our HaganeNote Handpan forest

In partnership with Tree-Nation logo