Choosing a handpan scale

Choosing a handpan scale

The eternal dilemma about how to choose an handpan scale is quite something, especially as buying such instruments is an economic effort and an investment on playing commitment. There are several ideas and theories about choosing the right scale and version, but more...
Harmonizing a major scale

Harmonizing a major scale

Chord building, or rather what’s know as the harmonization of a scale, is picking each note of any scale or mode and stacking the notes in thirds, usually up to four notes. But what does this stacking mean? Let’s pick the C major scale: C D E F G A B Starting from the...
Handpan Lesson 2 – Basic Drum Patterns

Handpan Lesson 2 – Basic Drum Patterns

The good thing with drums and percussions is that every single bar is a world of endless combinations to practice with. This was the underlying principle when I was studying rhythmic sight-reading and snare technique with Daniele. So, after the first, introducing...